Strange Sounds Reported from a Boeing Starliner in Space

Strange Sounds Reported f

NASA Astronaut Reports Unusual Noises on International Space Station

Houston: An astronaut aboard the International Space Station (ISS) has reported hearing strange and unusual sounds within the station.

Butch Wilmore, who is currently stationed on the ISS, contacted NASA's mission control on Earth to report a bizarre noise that he was hearing from the Boeing Starliner.

Bizarre Noise Heard During Mission

Wilmore reported the strange sound to the Johnson Space Center in Houston just a few days after NASA had instructed the astronaut to undock the Boeing Starliner from the ISS using autopilot.

"Butch Wilmore called NASA and said, 'I have a question about the Starliner. There’s a strange sound coming through the speaker. I don’t know what it is.'"

Wilmore then placed the phone near the Starliner’s speaker, allowing the mission control team to hear the noise.

NASA's Response to the Unusual Sound

Mission control responded, saying, "Butch! It sounds like a kind of throbbing noise, almost like a sonar ping."

Wilmore played the sound again, hoping that mission control could identify its source. However, mission control could only inform Wilmore that they would forward the report to the appropriate teams and would update him as soon as they discovered anything.

The Mystery Continues

As of now, the source of the strange sound remains unidentified, and further investigations are expected to take place. NASA's mission control will continue to monitor the situation and keep the astronauts updated as more information becomes available.

This incident raises questions about the challenges of deep space missions and the need for constant vigilance in such an unpredictable environment.