Smartphones and TVs Before Bed: What You Need to Know

Smartphones and TVs Before Bed

A New Study Reveals Smartphones and TVs Before Bed Do Not Significantly Affect Children's Sleep

A new study from New Zealand challenges the widely held belief that screen time before bed negatively impacts children's sleep. For years, experts have cautioned that exposure to screens before bedtime could harm a child's health and development. However, recent research suggests that the impact may not be as severe as previously thought.

Research Findings

Scientists from New Zealand studied children aged 11 to 14 who regularly use smartphones, and tablets, or watch television before going to bed. Contrary to earlier warnings, the researchers found that these activities have minimal negative effects on children's sleep.

Previous beliefs vs. new insights

Before this study, experts' consensus was that screen time before sleep could hinder children's growth and overall health. They argued that exposure to screens before bed could lead to sleep disturbances and other health issues. However, this new research contradicts these beliefs, suggesting that the impact of screen time on sleep might be less significant than previously assumed.


This study opens up new discussions on the relationship between screen time and children's health, particularly their sleep patterns. While it does not completely dismiss the potential risks associated with excessive screen time, it indicates that the effects might not be as harmful as once believed. Parents may take comfort in knowing that allowing children some screen time before bed may not be as detrimental to their sleep as previously thought.