Eco-Friendly Alternative to Bricks and Cement

Eco-Friendly Bricks and Cement


Scientists are continually researching and bringing new innovations to light. Recently, a study on a mineral found in peridot stones revealed its potential to significantly reduce carbon emissions in the construction industry.

The Role of Olivine

Experts suggest that olivine, the mineral responsible for the bright green color of peridot, can be used to create strong, durable, and low-carbon-emitting cement. Additionally, materials made from this mineral could replace kiln-fired bricks and gypsum board, both of which are typically carbon-intensive.

Energy Consumption in Production

The production of cement involves grinding and mixing ingredients, a process that relies on energy derived from fossil fuels. Similarly, bricks are fired in kilns at temperatures ranging from 1000 to 1200 degrees Celsius, a process that also depends on fossil fuel energy. These practices contribute significantly to global carbon emissions.

Potential Reduction in Carbon Emissions

Cement and bricks account for approximately 8% and 2.7% of global carbon emissions, respectively. By replacing these materials with alternatives made from olivine, we could potentially reduce global carbon emissions by around 11%. The encouraging news is that our planet is abundant in olivine. These igneous rocks form the Earth's upper mantle (the layer between the Earth's core and crust) and constitute the seabeds.

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