Cement That Turns Homes into Batteries

Cement Turns Batteries


Scientists have developed a new type of cement that has the potential to transform an entire house into a large battery. This innovative material could revolutionize energy storage and usage in residential buildings.

Development by MIT Researchers

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) discovered that by mixing carbon black with a combination of water and cement, they could create a construction material that functions as a supercapacitor. Supercapacitors are known for their ability to charge and discharge rapidly and efficiently, though they are not typically used for long-term energy storage like traditional lithium-ion batteries. Despite this, they are effective for storing surplus electricity generated from renewable energy sources.

Advancements and Applications

This technology was first introduced last year, but the MIT team has now developed the concept of a functional concrete battery. They are working on creating a 45-cubic-meter structure capable of generating enough energy to power a house. According to the researchers, this material can be integrated into the concrete foundations of homes without incurring any additional costs. Moreover, it can be constructed along roadsides to enable wireless charging for electric vehicles.

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